The politics of provocation

\"LSWhen a US Army psychiatrist, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who in 2009 opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 12 people and wounding 31 others, was brought forth for examination by the US media, we were quickly told how he did not represent Islam, a “religion of peace.” Both Obama’s Justice Department and the Department of Defense pushed for the charge of “workplace violence” instead of “terrorism” against Hasan. This despite the fact that Hasan called himself a “soldier of Allah” and shouted “Allah Akbar” as he began his murderous assault.

George W. Bush also called Islam a “religion of peace” and chastised Americans for calling it a front for political terror and conquest, despite much hard evidence that suggest it is more of the latter than of the former.

Now we have the same Establishment politicians and media howling that alleged Charleston AME church shooter Dylann Roof, far from being solely responsible for his own actions, is a product of a dark and horrible culture—the traditional white South. To sum it up, the Confederate battle flag and all who have ever said a good word for it are collectively guilty for everything that has ever afflicted the black community. Politicians, from 2016 GOP Presidential candidates to craven South Carolina solons, are rushing in a panic to line up to grovel before the cameras and denounce the culture of the South and its most recognizable symbol. Just this afternoon (22 June), SC Governor Nikki Haley held a press conference to announce that she would spearhead a drive to move the battle flag from the soldiers’ memorial on the State House grounds in Columbia.

Just last week, after a Southern Poverty Law Center report on their “Hatewatch” Blog, League of the South member Lt. Josh Doggrell was fired by the Annistion (Alabama) police department for being a member of our organization. Yes, that’s right. There was no “incident” that caused Lt. Doggrell’s dismissal. Only the “Hatewatch” story, the facts of which had been known to the Anniston police department since 2006. But on Friday, the day after the Charleston church shooting, the city manager abruptly concluded his “investigation” (he never called our office as part of that investigation) and summarily fired an employee with a stainless record over nearly a decade of service. By the way, Lt. Doggrell was given a chance to perhaps keep his job and pension if he would denounce The League and his Southern nationalist compatriots, but he quickly refused; three hours later on the afternoon of Friday, 19 June, he was fired. With Charleston looming on the background and the NAACP looking over his shoulder, the city manager, Brian Johnson, folded like a proverbial cheap suit. Just another white, Southern casualty to the politics of provocation.

Over the weekend, the media demonized Kyle Rogers, who runs the very popular Council of Conservative Citizens’ website, because young Mr. Roof mentioned in his “manifesto” that it had alerted him to the nationwide epidemic of violent black-on-white crime that the mainstream media refuses to cover. Never mind that Roger’s meticulously catalogs these un- and under-reported racial crimes and that they are facts; the media went full bore crazy that a “white supremacist” would dare reveal such horrid material to the public. Again, it was proof that the South was full of benighted “racists.”

I could go on with other examples of the left’s politicization of the Charleston shooting, but I think you get the gist of it. When it is a “minority” race or religion, the US regime and its media tell us to be open-minded and forgiving of their members as a whole: don’t judge the entire groups based on the actions of one of its members. But when it is whites in the spotlight—and especially white Southerners—it is a different game. Fair-minded people might ask why.

One reason “why” might be provocation. It is evident that young Mr. Roof, if his manifesto is legitimate, had had a belly full of a society that treats blacks like spoiled children, Big Daddy Government catering to their every need and want, and conversely blaming whites for being perpetual scoundrels whose main goal in life is to make things miserable for black folks. And he acted in his anger and allegedly committed murder. Now, the question looms: will blacks be “provoked” to take revenge? And, if so, what will be the white response? One sees how this could quickly spiral out of control, and there is absolutely no doubt as to whom the federal government (and perhaps some compliant State governments as well) will support.

We and all decent people decry murder as a reprehensible act. In a sane society, all sides would stand back and allow law enforcement and the courts in South Carolina to do their job in the investigation and adjudication processes. There is no place here for demonization and provocation.

All the extraneous demonization of the white South that surrounds the case of Dylann Roof may well be deliberate tactics to provoke Southerners to further acts that will, in turn, lead to more demonization and even a draconian crackdown by federal authorities. I doubt the Confederate battle flag will be the last symbol to fall as a casualty in this war. And if this little culture war moves to its likely conclusion, the average American might be aghast at the symbols and other elements of his society that will have been steamrolled by the forces of Progressivism. Perhaps someone has knocked the lid off Pandora’s Box.

In this very hostile anti-white and anti-South environment, it would be wise for us in the Southern nationalist movement to be “situationally aware” in all matters. The left smells blood, and they are restrained by no morality and seemingly very little by law. Be cool; don’t be provoked.

Michael Hill

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