Annual Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day History Quiz

\"MLKAnnual Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day History Quiz (By Martin K. O\’Toole, Esq.)

Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little the schools, news media, and establishment have told you about the only American with his own holiday.

1) Name the judge who has sealed King\’s FBI surveillance file until the year 2027.
A) The Honorable John Lewis Smith, Jr.

2) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last night on earth in an adulterous liaison?
A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

3) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last morning on earth physically beating a woman?
A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

4) Who was the U.S. Attorney General who ordered the FBI to wiretap King?
A) Robert F. Kennedy. See David Garrow’s biography “Bearing the Cross.”

5) Who was the Assistant Director of the FBI who wrote a letter to Sen. John P. East (R-NC) describing King\’s conduct of \”orgiastic and adulterous escapades, some of which indicated that King could be bestial in his sexual abuse of women.\”
A) Charles D. Brennan

6) Who called King a \”hypocrite preacher.\”
A) President Lyndon B. Johnson

7) What U.S. newspaper reported that King had plagiarized his doctoral thesis at Boston University.
A) The Wall Street Journal on November 9, 1990. In 1991 The Journal of American History admitted that “plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings.” The Wall Street Journal only printed the story after it was all over Europe following the coverage in the London Sunday Telegraph of December 3, 1989. The Wall Street Journal article forced other American media outlets to cover the story.

8) Whom did King plagiarize in more than 50 complete sentences in his doctoral thesis?
A) Dr. Jack Boozer of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

9) Who was the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities who purposely suppressed knowledge of King\’s plagiarism of his doctoral thesis?
A) Lynne Cheney, wife of former Vice President Richard Cheney

10) What was Martin Luther King\’s real name?
A) Michael King, Jr. In 1935 his father, Michael King, declared to his congregation that he wound henceforth be known as Martin Luther King and his son would be known as Martin Luther King, Jr.

11) In his first public sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in 1947 who did King plagiarize?
A) Harry Emerson Fosdick

12) Name the man who served as King\’s personal secretary from 1955 to 1960, had joined the Young Communists League at New York City College in 1936, went to prison for draft evasion in 1944, and in 1953 was sentenced to 60 days in jail in California \”lewd vagrancy and homosexual perversion.\”
A) Bayard Rustin

13) According to whom had King \”privately described himself as a Marxist.\”
A) His biographer, David J. Garrow

14) Who edited King\’s book Stride Toward Freedom?
A) Communist Stanley Levison. He often was a ghostwriter for King. Although Jewish and Communist (active at least up to 1957) he was a key member of the Southern CHRISTIAN Leadership Conference (SCLC) where disbelief in Christ was no impediment.
SCLC official web site states: At its first convention in Montgomery in August 1957, the Southern Leadership Conference adopted the current name, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Basic decisions made by the founders at these early meeting included the adoption of nonviolent mass action as the cornerstone of strategy, the affiliation of local community organizations with SCLC across the South, and a determination to make the SCLC movement open to all, regardless of race, religion, or background.
But the name CHRISTIAN was thought useful.

15) Who made the following speech?
That\’s exactly what we mean–
from every mountain side,
let freedom ring.
Not only from the Green Mountainsand White Mountains of Vermont
and New Hampshire;
not only from the Catskills
of New York;
but from the Ozarks
in Arkansas,
from Stone Mountain
in Georgia,
from the Blue Ridge Mountains
of Virginia
–let it ring not only for the minorities of the United States,
but for the disinherited of all the earth–may the Republican party, under God,
from every mountainside,
A) Archibald Carey, Jr., at the 1952 Republican National Convention. Carey and King knew each other and corresponded.

16) What student of the Gospel wrote the following concerning the physical resurrection of Christ from the dead? “From a literary, historical, and philosophical point of view this doctrine raises many questions. In fact the external evidence for the authenticity of this doctrine is found wanting.”
A) Written by Martin Luther King, Jr., while studying at Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Pennsylvania.

Martin Luther King Was a Crusader but Was He a Christian?

17) What student of the Gospel wrote the following concerning the virgin birth of Christ? “[I]t seems downright improbable and even impossible for anyone to be born without a human father…. First we must admit that the evidence for the tenability of this doctrine is to [sic] shallow to convince any objective thinker.”
A) Written by Martin Luther King, Jr., while studying at Crozer Theological Seminary.

18) What student of the Gospel wrote the following concerning the reliability of the Old Testament: “If we accept the Old Testament as being ‘true’ we will find it full of errors, contradictions, and obvious impossibilities–as that the Pentateuch was written by Moses.”
A) Written by Martin Luther King, Jr., while studying at Crozer Theological Seminary.

19) What civil rights historian pointed out that King probably got preferential treatment at white schools as opposed to historically black schools?
A) Ralph Luker pointed out that King averaged C+ at historically black Morehouse College. At Crozer Theological Seminary he averaged an A-.

20) Have these issues troubled the main stream King worshipers?
A) What do you think? Why?


No questions correct means you are exactly the kind of citizen your masters desire.
1 – 5 questions correct means you could be dangerous.
6 – 10 questions correct means you need electro-convulsive therapy.
11 – 15 questions correct means you are a hater.
16 or more questions correct means you are a terrorist. Turn yourself in now for re-education and your life may be spared.

Happy Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and
slain civil rights leader
Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

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