KINISM (2001)
It is time to discuss the racial issue intelligently. Ignoring it will not make it go away. The place to begin is to refute the false choice that political correctness (a variant of Marxism) offers to white people. Significantly, non-whites are not forced into this false dichotomy. Whites today must either be ‘racists,’ who hate and wish harm to other groups, or ‘anti-racists.’ To prove his anti-racist credentials, for all practical purposes, a white person must demonstrate an active disdain for his own group.
This latter choice, says the Marxist PC crowd, will promote tolerance and understanding. In point of fact, it amounts to self-hatred, with all the self-destructiveness that this implies. Also, it does not encourage respect and tolerance from other groups. Instead, it arouses contempt and even aggression. As a black pastor observed: ‘If white people keep apologizing to us, we’re going to figure that they really are doing something wrong.’
We would like to propose a third option, one consistent with justice and decency. It is that of the ‘kinist,’ one who practices ‘kinism.’ This is the belief that the love of racial or ethnic kin is similar to that of family ties. Specifically, it is right and proper for a man to love his own child in a greater and more special way than other children, without suggesting that he hates those other children. The Bible states that God has divided humanity into ‘nations,’ which may be properly translated as races or ethnicities. As ties of kin maintain those distinctions, kinism is consistent with Christian beliefs. One Biblical statement of kinism came from the Apostle Paul. Though a man of great benevolence toward men of other groups and nationalities, he stated in Romans 9:1-3 that he would be ‘cursed of Christ’ if it could save his ‘kinsmen according to the flesh.’ It was not an offer made to other groups.
Similarly, the great Southern General, Robert E. Lee, also expressed kinism when he stated that he opposed slavery in part because of the problems it caused blacks, but more so because of the problems it caused his fellow white Southerners.
Kinism for white Southerners and other whites is necessary for survival, if for no other reason than mass immigration from Third World countries. This is true for both America and Europe. Not only does immigration threaten that survival—so does a steady assault by anti-Western, Europhobic propaganda from the key institutions of society, namely the media, schools, universities, and churches. ‘White male’ is virtually a term of contempt and hatred in these quarters. Ideas, as Richard Weaver once wrote, have consequences. In this instance, what might they be? Zimbabwe and South Africa today offer disturbing possibilities.
Of course any suggestion that white people might have any legitimate interests will provoke the lords of political correctness to cries of ‘racism.’ Many whites are utterly terrified of this word. Perhaps they would not be if they understood its Marxist origin. Its purpose is not to promote tolerance or understanding. Rather, in most instances, it has become a psychological assault weapon. The same may be said of ‘bigot,’ ‘hater,’ and white supremacist.’ Thus it is important for honorable whites to be skeptical before accepting the current definitions of these epithets.
In terms of the Southern nationalist movement it is essential to understand that the South’s Anglo-Celtic culture (the core of Southern culture) will not survive the passing of the South’s Anglo-Celtic people. Other groups may participate in it, but history offers no encouragement that they alone can sustain it. Consequently, Anglo-Celtic kinism is necessary for the survival of the South and her traditional culture.
This, however, does not preclude cooperation with honorable people of other groups. Indeed, this may be most helpful in thwarting the ‘divide and conquer strategy’ promoted by the Marxists and their minions in government and society.
Again, many whites are terrified of the charge of ‘racism.’ We hope that they can find the courage to avoid fear and manipulation. But kinism is not only for white people. It offers the dignity of community life to all groups and subgroups that value their heritage and identity. True diversity is the God-created glory of mankind. Love of kin and the desire for self preservation are not hatred.
On behalf of The League of the South Board of Directors