Blood Kin and Southern Nationalism

I smell a rat” ~ Patrick Henry

On the doings of the Constitutional Convention, 1787

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Gettysburg Address, 19 November 1863

We folks in The Southern Nationalist League, unlike the progressive USA regime, are not wedded to a universal proposition – equality, democracy, or the ever-expanding “rights of man” – but to a real historical order based on blood and soil, kith and kin. Ignoring the history of the settlement of North America as a haven for the White Man and his posterity, progressives insist that the United States is a “proposition nation,” open to all races and cultures. By that, they refer to the opening line of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and allow Lincoln’s silly, false, and unbiblical assertion to re-write American history and make the United States the carrier of a revolutionary leftist philosophy that our ancestors would have rejected with contempt. Those men and women understood, of course, that lasting nation-states arise organically, from religion, people, soil, and tradition.

Abstraction or Reality?

But since the end of World War Two, both liberal Democrats and neo-conservative Republicans have worked to discredit nature: that a human’s first temporal allegiance is to kith and kin. These self-appointed social engineers are trying to reshape Creation according to their own false notions of good and evil. Attempting to rebuild the Tower of Babel, they would nullify the Biblical and historical reality of true nationhood.

Southerners once commonly understood that a nation is not some abstract theory or proposition. Such threads are too weak to bind society. Only blood and a shared tradition of Christendom supply that cement. A nation is a particular people, living on a common piece of land with a distinct culture and religion. In our case, we are Christian Southerners (men and women of largely northern European descent) living in a real place we reverently call Dixie.

Patrick Henry, the greatest of the American Founders and a proud Virginian, had already recognized the inherent importance of blood and the soil on which it dwelt.

“We are descended from a people whose government was founded on liberty; our glorious grandfathers of Great Britain made liberty the foundation of everything. We draw that spirit of liberty from our British ancestors.”

Buried Under Strangers

Today, totalitarians of all stripes champion “equality” by pushing for an “open door” immigration policy to the Third World. They don’t care whether the thousands upon thousands of Muslims, Latinos, black Africans, and other non-Western peoples threaten the economic, racial, ethnic, and cultural balance of the US or any other White country. Rather, since they hold sacred the ever-expanding and almost limitless “rights of man,” they view America as the world’s first universal nation, dedicated to the “proposition” that all men and cultures are created equal. In short, this is the a false leftist narrative of American history. We are not Israel Zangwill’s “Melting Pot” nor have we any truck with Emma Lazarus’ poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty that welcomes the world’s huddled masses into our homelands. We are Southerners. This is our land and we will fight for it.

The Immigration and Naturalization (Hart-Celler) Act of 1965, subsequent legislation, and judicial edicts have allowed into the US millions of non-Europeans while closing the “Golden Door” to European immigrants. The globalist regime in DC, whether under control of the Democrats or the GOP, encourages Third World immigrants—both legal and illegal—to maintain their own cultures and languages while plundering America’s tax­paying citizens to pay for their upkeep.

Echoing In Our Ears

If history does not repeat itself, it certainly echoes. The imperial United States today recalls the Roman Empire when Germanic and Celtic tribes were over­running Rome’s frontier. No deep-rooted racial or cultural antagonism lay between Roman and German or Celt because the tribesmen envied and admired Roman civilization and themselves had been influenced by it. But only as far as they understood it at that time. To destroy Rome was not their wish; to save Rome was beyond their immediate capabilities. Not having created it, they could not understand the complexities that made it work at the time of Rome’s downfall. But in the longer run these Germanic and Celtic tribes would create Rome’s successor, the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne.

For the past quarter century, we in The League have been saying over and over that the American Empire was corrupt, built on lies, and was unsustainable. Sort of like Rome. In our eyes it was something neither desirable nor possible to save. And here in 2022 we find ourselves in the midst of the New Red Terror. And day by day, more people are noticing. They are awakening to the things that we’ve been trying to alert them to for years (actually decades). For example, what is called by the left The Great Replacement Theory has been revealed to be much of a reality and not a mere right-wing theory at all. We Whites are being purposefully replaced in the South and elsewhere. Or that the once revered FBI (remember all those old TV shows?) has been unmasked to show the ugly face of a modern NKVD or Stasi, weaponized against the regime’s enemies. Or the warning that America, under influence from mainly Christ-hating libertines in the post-WWII era, was becoming a cultural sewer that would purposefully pollute the family and our Christian faith. Now, millions of Americans are awakening to these numerous threats to their traditional way of life and are beginning to stir politically. This is especially true in the so-called Red State South.

So now when we proclaim that the globalist establishment loosed a pandemic, stole an election, weaponized the US government against the people, criminalized all meaningful dissent, and put in place a permanent Communist/Globalist regime to serve its masters, more and more people are seeing our point. And, by the way, several recent polls show the sentiment for secession is growing . . .

We awakened and aware Southerners are much like those Germanic and Celtic peoples who swept Rome into the pages of history, and in the resulting vacuum faced the prospect of developing a new polity of to suit their own interests. May God bring down this demonic cabal and give us the chance to forge from the ashes a free and independent South worthy to deserve the name of Christendom.

But to be in position to take advantage of the sure demise of the American Empire, we must make sure we have firm control of Dixie, state by state. In this scenario, demography is indeed destiny. Eventually, even under the best circumstances, a huge alien, non-White influx loyal only to their own prosperity and seeking to accumulate political power will weaken and destroy a White host civilization. The non-White immigrants lack both the desire and the understanding to preserve vital institutions and the reigning culture that has produced the “land of milk and honey” they are seeking. If the southern border is not closed immediately, their numbers will overrun the native White population of the South. Should that happen here, we Southerners will cease to control the homeland bequeathed us by our ancestors—generations of noble and honorable men and women.

Perhaps we will suffer a fate worse than Rome’s, meaning that there will be no equivalent of those Germanic and Celtic tribesmen to rebuild from the inevitable ruins. May God forbid it, and may we do our duty to see that our opportunity will not be squandered. Already, radical Latinos have launched a long-running and effective Reconquista [re-conquest] of the American southwest (lands conquered and civilized by our Southern ancestors less than 200 years ago) while the White House and federal judges thwart volunteer efforts to turn back the tide. Our southern border is nonexistent. Never mind the speechifying by mainstream conservatives, what do government actions show? Which side have our self-proclaimed rulers taken? Clearly, not ours. Not the White Man’s side.

Survive or Die

To survive and prosper, I think we have to adopt Professor Frank Owsley’s attitude. The great Southern historian said:

“The term ‘Folk’ has for its primary meaning a group of kindred people, forming a tribe or nation [in the truest sense of the word]; a people bound together by ties of race, language, religion, custom, tradition, and history… A folk thus possesses a sense of solidarity and is quite different from a conglomerate mass of people. It has most if not all of the characteristics of nationalism [again, properly defined]. Indeed, it may be contended with much force that there can be no true nationalism where the population does not constitute a folk.”

Our primary objective should be to preserve our people—kith and kin—on their ancestral lands. Without our land, we cannot exist. We cannot fight to take advantage of the opportunities the fall of the Empire will present us. The Southern people are not a “universal idea” any more than Germany, England, or Spain. There can be no Scotland in France among the French, but only in Scotland among the Scots. Once we secure our future as “the Southern people,” then, and only then, can we overcome our enemies and gain our independence. The South is a true nation built on realities of place and kinship and history. Without it, we cannot survive. Without it, we cannot hope to see a revival of Christendom, for nowhere outside of the South do the residual cultural attributes of that old world remain strong enough to give a footing to this restoration of true Godly civilization. And as an organization, we believe we have some good ideas regarding that restoration. May God let us see this vision expressed below become a reality for us and for generations to come.

What Do We Need?
  • A South where our borders are sealed against massive immigration.
  • A South where the Southern people protect their interests from the ravages of multiculturalism and phony diversity.
  • A South where a prosperous, self-confident, and distinct people can welcome into its ranks, by its own choice and on its own terms, productive and sympathetic immigrants.
  • A South with no central bank and no fiat currency.
  • A South with no usury.
  • A South where the Christian religion is protected from its enemies.
  • A South with a strong domestic manufacturing sector and good jobs for our people.
  • A South with no entangling foreign alliances.
  • A South that will be a beacon to those nations defending a traditional way of life against abstract ideologies and a new world order.
  • A South where Southerners can answer beyond doubt “Who are we?”
  • A South that is once again “White Man’s Land.”

“When we know who we are and are willing to defend ourselves and our posterity, then we shall be a truly free people, our accomplishments equaled by no one.” ~ Dr. Michael Hill

Killen, Alabama

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