Since the 18th century Enlightenment, the West has made an idol of Liberal Democracy. It has in effect become the political default position of most Westerners, including most Americans. We accept it as “right” without critical examination. In fact, I don’t think it incorrect to say that Liberal Democracy has become the Civic Religion of America and the West.
In American politics, voting majorities marshaled every two or four years have become our gods. They dictate to us how we shall live and die. Most say they wouldn’t have it any other way. That would be un-American. To be patriotic citizens, we must live with the results of the ballot, be it in a general election, a Supreme Court ruling, or a Congressional vote. The verdict is sacrosanct because it was reached through the democratic process of majority vote. We can grouse and complain about it but we see ourselves bound by it. Otherwise, how could we claim to be “good Americans?”
But our classroom civics books did not tell us that majority rule only works where there is already a consensus of sorts on the fundamental issues within a particular society. For instance, in a Christian country that enjoys a high degree of homogeneity in its racial and ethnic make-up, language, institutions, and inherited culture, most matters up for a vote are largely superficial policy issues. They don’t tamper with the agreed-upon foundations of the society. However, in a multicultural and multiracial polyglot Empire such as ours is today, the concept of majority rule is often fraught with dire (and even deadly) consequences for the losers, especially if the winners bear a grudge. As multiculturalism destroys civic identity, racial and ethnic identity rises to take its place. This is obviously not conducive to civic peace and prosperity.
As I write in the Summer of 2014, there are projections that these United States—and our beloved Southland–will have a white minority by 2040 (or before, depending on immigration policy and minority birth rates). Simply put, that will mean the end of society as we know it. You and Bill Clinton may be OK with this, but I’m not.
Who stands to lose by this devil’s bargain? The descendants of America’s founding stock will be the losers. As a native white Southerner, I’m primarily concerned about the future of the South. Our ancestors bequeathed us a society based on Christian moral principles, the English language, racial (and some degree of ethnic) homogeneity, and British legal and political institutions. All this will be gone with the wind if we don’t stand against the unholy leftist trinity of “tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism.”
Perhaps Americans in other regions outside the South are quite happy with the idea of giving their region of the country away to minorities and their white leftist enablers. But if the rest of the country is determined to go straight to hell, is the South obliged to go along for the ride just so “democracy” can be upheld?
It is time that Southerners—the descendants of European, Christian peoples who settled the Southern regions of North America—make a fundamental decision whether to break with the Enlightenment idea of Liberal Democracy and to embrace the concept of Southern Nationhood. And Southern Nationhood is nothing less than the acknowledgement that Southerners’ (see above definition) survival, well being, and independence should be the primary considerations for the here-and-now as well as for the future. If current political arrangements do not promote our survival, well being, and independence, then they should be cast aside for new arrangements that do promote these ends. And this includes democracy in all its forms.
What the South must embrace for its survival is Organic Nationalism. What is that, you ask? It is a form of nationalism in which the political state (the government) receives its legitimacy from the organic unity of those whom it serves. In other words, it is a true nation-state such as historic France, Germany, or England. Hallmarks of that organic unity are race/ethnicity, language, culture and folk customs, and religion. It is therefore a “nation”—a distinct people, a Folk—in the most primal and fundamental sense. And by its very nature it is conservative in that its main function is to conserve a society that will defend the lives, liberty, and property of the people who comprise it. Their survival, well being, and independence are paramount. Conversely, they reject the top-down universal hegemony of the elites.
What would a South that embraced Organic Nationalism look like? It would be a South that returned to its European roots but with plenty of leeway given for those cultural attributes that are uniquely Southern. It would embrace and celebrate as good and wholesome all it peculiarities without apology and without embarrassment—its literature, language and dialect, religious faith, folkways, songs, and overall worldview. It would also draw from that deep cultural well that is Europe, taking the best of that and calling it our own as well.
That the organic South is both European and extra-European offers us no conundrum. After all, we have been in Dixie for four hundred years, and that experience has turned various European ethnicities into a loose but cohesive unity known as “Southern.” Thus we have one foot in Europe and the other in Dixie, and that makes us a distinct people, a real nation unlike any other in the world.
Out of this organic diversity—this rather deep and wide DNA gene pool—has come a true nation—the South. Yes, there are others among us, some in sizable and growing numbers (Blacks and Mestizos, respectively), but they are not “us” and this is not their nation of which I speak. As to the former, we will have to work out some arrangement based on goodwill from both sides. As to the latter, they do not belong here and must be deported and the borders sealed against them. As for others, we would be wise to take things on a case-by-case basis.
Unlike the South, the USA is not a “nation;” rather, it is a failed leftist experiment. I do not believe our Founders intended it to be such, but nonetheless it has become that. And as such, it should have no appeal to true Southerners. Indeed, it should have no moral purchase on our loyalty.
The USA has bound its identity to the Enlightenment idea of Liberal Democracy and all that it entails. Moreover, it has compounded the problem by willingly and wittingly committing itself to becoming a multicultural, polyglot Empire in which democratic institutions are manipulated by the ruling elite for the benefit of favored groups.
As I look at my precious children and grandchildren, I shudder to think what will happen to them and their descendants when they become the numerical political (and actual demographic) minority. Revenge—“getting even”–will be a commonplace occurrence as our Folk are attacked and robbed of life, liberty, and property with impunity in the name of Social Justice or some other fabricated Right of Man. Will the rights of our children and grandchildren be protected by the new regnant majority who are not products of Western Christian civilization? Or will a majority of wolves vote to devour a minority of sheep? I think you know the answer.
We Southerners must embrace a new paradigm. We must get “out of the box” in which our enemies have placed us. We must have a new organizing principal: Organic Nationalism. It is the answer for the South if we are serious about the survival, well being, and independence of the Southern people. That means the rejection of the status quo of living in a multicultural empire that sucks our lifeblood.
For our self-preservation dare we cast aside voting and the idea of the “consent of the governed” for a monarchy or dictatorship? No. We must simply re-define along the lines of Organic Nationalism the political and social entity to which we belong—the Southern Nation. In that entity, our interests and moral principles will hold sway, and we can determine who gets to be called “citizen” and who exercises the right to vote and participate in other civic matters. No more being ruled by alien, universalist elites. No more kowtowing to the interests of Massachusetts, New York, and California. The Southern Nation will be run by Southerners in the interest of Southerners. Will that not be a glorious and blessed day?
Michael Hill
Killen Alabama