Celebrating Lee and Jackson
On Monday, 19 January, my home State of Alabama, along with several other Southern States, will officially celebrate General Robert E. Lee\’s birthday by closing all State offices. We in […]
On Monday, 19 January, my home State of Alabama, along with several other Southern States, will officially celebrate General Robert E. Lee\’s birthday by closing all State offices. We in […]
There is speculation that The League of the South is behind the billboard message \”Diversity means chasing down the last white person,\” along with the hashtag #whitegenocide, that appeared a
The League of the South urges Southerners to think . . . about the current situation with Muslims and Europeans–and the latter means us Southerners as well. Now, I believe
Congratulations, Leftists, you have won. You have taken over the West and now your worldview is triumphant. Europe, America, and the other former lands of Christendom lie in your grasp.
A man is either a propositionalist or a nationalist. There is no middle ground. You either believe in an abstraction such as equality or democracy or you believe in the