An organization of Southern Nationalists
A movement promoting the survival, well being, and independence of the Southern people
The descendants of European, Christian peoples who settled the Southern region of North America
A people bound together by blood and soil living in the same area and forming a culture with a common language, customs, economy, and beliefs, forming a cohesive group
Anglo-Celt is a cluster that includes people of British and Irish descent. The term is a combination of “Anglo-“, meaning English and/or British, derived from the “Angles”, a Germanic people that settled in Britain (mainly England) in the middle of the first millennium, and “Celt”, which refers to the people of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall, the Celtic nations of the British and Irish Isles.
We are not the Church, but we do defend and promote Christian civilization.
No. The term “racist” is an anti-White, anti-Southern slur.
No. We love our people and the South.