Statement from The League of the South Staff

\"battleThe past few weeks have witnessed a virulent attack on all things traditionally Southern by the forces of Cultural Marxism. It has clearly become a dangerous environment for Southerners, especially those who publicly display or even speak in favor of our historic symbols and the Folk and culture they represent. This campaign against the South has been escalated beyond words to acts of intimidation and violence.

A man’s most fundamental and sacred duty is the protection of life and property. He is not obliged to ask permission from anyone to perform this duty, and this moral duty trumps all other laws, statutes, and restrictions that run to the contrary.

Southerners, arm yourselves, organize yourselves, and be prepared to defend your lives and property from those lawless elements that threaten them. We encourage all patriotic Southerners to join us in The League of the South. Together, we can turn back the assaults of the Cultural Marxists and put them on the run.

Michael Hill, President, The League of the South, on behalf of The LS Staff

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