A lawless, godless regime

\"ObamaKim Davis, the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk who refused on religious grounds to grant marriage licenses to sodomites, has been arrested by federal agents. The feds wasted no time in taking Mrs. Davis into custody. Compare this with the way that federal officials, from the President, his cabinet members, assorted bureaucrats, black and homosexual leaders, and various other officially-favored persons, are permitted to ignore and even actively disobey the law with impunity. But not a white lesser magistrate standing up for God\’s word.

America is now a lawless regime that rewards evil, punishes good, and spits in the face of God Himself. But God is not mocked. He is allowing America to fill up the cup of wrath to the very brim. When His justice finally falls on this diabolical regime–and fall it shall–may He have mercy on His faithful servants. And may the South prove to be among the faithful and find a name and place among the nations of the earth.

Michael Hill

2 thoughts on “A lawless, godless regime”

  1. The so-called “European” Union is trying to enforce the acceptance of gay “marriage” on all member states.

    Fortunately, this abomination has not been approved in Greece – yet – due to fierce reaction from the Greek Orthodox Church, which remains very influential in Greek society.

    But the EU moguls are keeping the pressure on.

    PS – There is an ongoing Western propaganda against Russia in the last couple of years.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has been demonized by the Western media as the “new Hitler”.

    That’s because he is taking care of his Nation’s interests and he refuses to obey the New World Order.

    Pro – Russian rebels in the Ukraine are demonized simply because they fight for the most legitimate cause ; namely, their right to join their Russian Motherland.

    President Putin has forbidden all public pro – homosexual propaganda in Russia.

    He has also organised a “straight pride” day in response to the “gay pride” parades.

    He has repeatedly stated that he is an Orthodox Christian and he is giving money for the rebuilding of destroyed Christian Churches in Syria.

    Now, I am not ideologically pro – Russian or pro – Putin ( I disagree with him on other issues ) but I cannot help liking this man.

    And if we suppose that God actually takes sides in human conflicts, which side would He take in a possible USA – Russia War ???

    Would He side with the godless USA or with Orthodox Christian Russia ???

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