So the regime is going to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 Federal Reserve Note (FRN) and replace him with \”a female representing the struggle for racial equality, according to the government source.\” Treasury Secretary Jack Lew says that the new FRN likely won\’t be issued before the year 2030 because of the slow process of designing the bill and making it counterfeit-proof. I pray that the South is gone from this decrepit \”union\” long before then!
Here\’s a little history about Jackson, a proud Southerner who was the prime enemy of the first Bank of the United States (a central bank) and the \”moneyed interests,\” before he became President:
Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), born of Scotch-Irish parents in the South Carolina backcountry, was a product of his frontier heritage. He fought and was captured in the American War for Independence and thereafter settled in Tennessee to become a backwoods lawyer. However, Jackson was more interested in horse-racing, cock-fighting, gambling, and dueling that in studying law. Among his one hundred or so “fights or violent and abusive quarrels” was a famous duel with Charles Dickinson, who had angered “Old Hickory” by making untoward remarks about his wife Rachel. The two men met at only eight paces and Dickinson’s first shot hit Jackson’s right shoulder. He tried to return fire, but his dueling pistol misfired. Calmly, the bleeding Jackson reloaded, fired, and hit his adversary squarely between the eyes. As historian Grady McWhiney writes, “Jackson recovered to become judge, general, and President–and to fight more duels.”
Though Jackson is famous for his many duels, he is better known as the tenacious general who led what amounted to a Southern militia on rigorous campaigns against the British at New Orleans, the Creek Indians in Alabama, and the Spanish in Florida. His buck-skinned backwoodsmen were expert marksmen with their famous “squirrel guns,” which destroyed the ranks of General Edward Packenham’s redcoats from behind the mud ramparts on Rodriquez Canal, east of the city of New Orleans, in December 1814. The victory at New Orleans immortalized “Old Hickory” as one of America’s most successful practitioners of irregular warfare. His “Dirty Shirts,” as the British derisively called them because of their dingy homespun attire, were among the most able fighters of their day, and prefigured the gray- and butternut-clad Confederate soldiers of the 1860s in both guts and esprit d’corps.
Jackson is the sort of real man this regime detests. It is not surprising that they would seek to dishonor him. However, in our way of thinking he is much too honorable to grace the front of a worthless piece of paper. He would abhor the very thought of being associated with something called a \”Federal Reserve Note.\” This whole matter makes me want to put on my old 45rpm single of \”The Battle of New Orleans\” by Johnny Horton, one of my favorites boyhood tunes!
Michael Hill