With each passing day, we move closer to open conflict in America–civil war, if you will–between the forces of Western Civilization (which is founded on a biblical understanding of nationalism) and the forces of Judeo-Marxism or godless international leftism in general. Both major US political parties are being pulled in one of these directions or the other.
As soon as Trump took office back in January (if not before), the left made it clear that it would not accept the practical outcome of the November 2016 election. For the past two months, they have done everything they can to prevent the new administration from governing and from enacting the platform on which it was elected. This resistance goes as far as openly disobeying the law (see \”Sanctuary Cities\”) and carrying out street violence against Trump supporters (see Antifa and Black Lives Matter). The elite, Jew-dominated media have run interference for the left by pushing the anti-nationalist, progressive Narrative non stop. The tension has been ratcheted so high that something simply has to give.
And it will. All it will take is one incident in which a supporter of one side or the other is killed in a public venue and the episode distributed widely on social media. If things keep moving as they are now, such a tragic event is not merely possible but likely. Then the conflagration begins in earnest.
I have long been convinced that the US was headed for a real civil war (that conflict from 1861-65 was not a \”civil war\” but a war between two sovereign nations) and that the left would precipitate it by their intolerance of any rule but their own. Their leftist ideology simply will not allow them to compromise for the sake of establishing a stable society in which differences are worked out peacefully by well- and long-established means.
For the left, the so-called virtues of tolerance and diversity are ploys to be used against gullible conservatives. The left itself has no truck with either. They are interested only in establishing an ideological state that is at base anti-white and anti-Christian. It is high time \”conservatives\” wake up to the game that has been worked so successfully against them for the last half century.
When someone like Trump, who ostensibly represents the interests of the normal white middle and working classes who elected him, stands in the way of the leftist work of progressing toward the establishment of their ideological state, leftists behave as they are at present–with violence and obstruction.
The US has ceased to be a governable polity in 2017. It must split into at least two (and preferably more) separate, sovereign political entities to accommodate the two fundamental sides or it must be plagued with hostilities that ultimately will lead to open conflict and bloodshed on a scale unimaginable since World War Two in a civilized part of the world.
Michael Hill