League of the South in Pikeville, Kentucky
This group at right, plus a few other LS members and a few volunteers from the local Pikeville area–about 30 in all–stood down some 200 Antifa at a distance of […]
This group at right, plus a few other LS members and a few volunteers from the local Pikeville area–about 30 in all–stood down some 200 Antifa at a distance of […]
Donald Trump ran for President as a populist who promised to challenge the international \”cartel\” that had seized power from the American people, particularly the white working- and middle-class. Implicit
We traditional Southerners are a Christian people, and as such, we seek to honor our God in every way. This includes discerning the truth–and lies–of history, the unfolding of His
Today as many Southerners celebrate Confederate Memorial Day, workers, guarded by heavily-armed police, began dismantling four Confederate monuments (see one of them at right, replete with graffiti message to whites)
Is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) now without the stellar services of Senior Fellow and Intelligence (sic) Report editor Mark Potok (pictured at right)? We checked their page online,
Is the Southern Poverty Law Center falling apart? Read More »