After having talked with a number of LS members, I have decided to postpone the LS national conference, originally scheduled for 26-27 June, to later on in the year. Our people–mainly working- and middle-class–have been hit hard financially by the current \”crisis.\” Many likely would make the necessary sacrifices to attend; however, I don\’t want to put them under such pressure at this time.
Others who ordinarily would have been there, have told me they would not attend this year. This likely would have cut drastically into our attendance, which is not a good thing for us. Moreover, there are some of our members, especially the elderly and those with underlying medical/health concerns, whom we do not want to put into a risky situation with the China virus (whatever you may think of the threat level from it).
I don\’t make this decision to postpone lightly. This would be our 27th annual meeting, and I\’m praying circumstances will allow us to have it later in the year. Please pray for our leadership as we continue to navigate these unusual and trying times for The League and Southern nationalism.–Michael Hill, Chief.