From our Archives . . .
Secession: Breaking a Psychological Barrier (2012) The spate of secession petitions that flooded the White House in the wake of Barack Obama’s re-election on 6 November probably won’t amount to […]
Secession: Breaking a Psychological Barrier (2012) The spate of secession petitions that flooded the White House in the wake of Barack Obama’s re-election on 6 November probably won’t amount to […]
10-11 September in Pine Level, Alabama (Community Center) Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Rick Tyler “Southern Independence: Thinking Outside the Box” Thursday, 9 September LS Board, Staff, and State Chairman meeting
Agenda for 2021 League of the South National Conference Read More »
Secession talk is spreading like wildfire across the country. Polls and opinion pieces from both the right and left (whatever those terms mean these days) tell us that support for
Our Consistent Message: Secession and Southern Independence Read More »
ON SECESSION AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE (2012) The voluntary union (or confederacy) of States known as the United States was born of a secessionist movement against Great Britain, and our Declaration
KINISM (2001) It is time to discuss the racial issue intelligently. Ignoring it will not make it go away. The place to begin is to refute the false choice that