The 2016 League of the South national conference will be held in the Alabama LS cultural center and headquarters in Wetumpka (Elmore County), Alabama, on 24-25 June (Friday-Saturday). The LS building is located at 12814 US Hwy. 231. This impressive venue was the site of the 2012-2015 LS national conferences. We look forward to once again showing off our League real estate. Please mark the dates on your calendar and plan to join us for a fun, informative, and inspiring weekend on our own beautiful property.
Scheduled speakers: Sam Dickson, Michael Hill, Steven Ingram, Tiny Malone, R. G. Miller, Mark Thomey, Michael Tubbs, and Pastor John Weaver.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Serving Our People: Our Role as Southern Nationalists.” The format for this year’s conference will be as follows: On Friday, the 24th, we will have a day of speeches at the LS building from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. On Friday evening, we will have the Circle of St. Andrew’s supper for those invited guests who contribute to the LS President’s Fund. On Saturday, the 25th, we will have a morning session at the LS building in which we brief everyone on the details of our public demonstration campaign and its effects over the past several years. This session will be followed by a BBQ dinner at the building. In the afternoon, we will hold an actual two-hour street demonstration at a busy intersection in Wetumpka!
The conference fees, which include the BBQ dinner, are as follows:
Individual $60
Couple (husband & wife) $95
Family (including all children) $100 plus $10 per meal
1) You may pay via PayPal or credit card online using the button below and noting in the “Comment” section that this is for the conference fee and be sure to give us the names of your party and your address in that field as well.
2) Printing and filling out the form provided below and sending it along with a check to the League office;
3)If you choose to pay directly via PayPal, our e-mail is
For information on lodging, see our Facebook page at
For more information, call the League at (800) 888-3163 or contact us via email at Pay Conference Fee by PayPal Attend the 2016 National Conference and Support the Survival, Well-Being and Independence of the Southern People Make sure to note in the Comments section that your payment is for the 2016 Conference Fee and list the names and addresses of the Attendees
Pay Conference Fee by PayPal
Attend the 2016 National Conference and Support the Survival, Well-Being and Independence of the Southern People
Make sure to note in the Comments section that your payment is for the 2016 Conference Fee and list the names and addresses of the Attendees
Or print out this page and fill out the form below and return with a check.
Name(s): _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________
Phone & E-mail: ___________________________________________________
Make check payable to The League of the South and mail to: LS, PO Box 760, Killen, Alabama 35645