A flag for the League

\"JohnIn late August 2013, The League of the South conducted the first in what is now a year-long series of street demonstrations. Gathering in the little South Georgia town of Uvalda on the morning of 24 August and in nearby Vidalia in the afternoon, we unveiled a new flag: the simple design of a black St. Andrews cross on a white field.Some didn’t like it. Others feared we were using it to replace the Confederate battle flag and other historic Southern flags. Some even thought we were going PC!

Well, everyone has the right to an opinion.

But here is our explanation. For years, I have wanted The League and our Southern Nationalist movement to have a symbol that is uniquely our own. In fact, some of you old timers will doubtless remember a few instances when I actually solicited flag designs from our membership. While there were some pretty good submissions, nothing struck me as being something we could adopt for our purpose.

And what was that purpose? Using our historic flags—which we still love and cherish—meant that if League members were gathered in public flying the battle flag, the Bonnie Blue, third national, etc. there was really no way for the public to tell if it were us, the SCV, the Confederate Society of America, the CSA Gov group, General Goodson’s New Confederate Army, or the KKK.

By having our own flag, the now familiar LS Southern Nationalist design, there is no doubt about who we are in the public eye. No one else has this flag because it is ours and ours alone among all other Southern groups. It says we are a hard-core Southern Nationalist organization, not a heritage or history organization.

So, after using this flag for a year in our street demonstrations and familiarizing people with it, I am happy to say that we’ll be keeping it. And as far as adding our own designs to the storehouse of Southern symbols, we might not be finished.

7 thoughts on “A flag for the League”

  1. And this is how it should be. Our culture and civilisation are LIVING, growing things. They are not dead and buried things. Have any of those worried about this trend ever stopped to consider that until 1861, not a single solitary one of the historic Southern banners that we revere existed?? They were designed and adopted at that time, for a certain purpose, based upon our peoples’ history and culture. Our new Southern Nationalist flag, and any other that may be forthcoming, is no different. I love those old flags and will never abandon them, but our focus has to be on the future of our people and our lands. The new flag reflects that focus.

  2. Very good decision, while we honor our past, the political solutions that we create will not be those solutions of our beloved Confederate Nation of the 1860’s. Now amogst us are the founding fathers of a new struggle, a new vision for a people and culture under attack. We have this day come to the forefront of nationalism outside of Europe…..WE MOVE FORWARD!

  3. This is a flag born in action, it will stay in action for as long we all shall live, our children live, and their children live.

    It will fly alongside all other southern flags.

  4. This flag has proudly seen “battle” over the past year, and, in essence, represents the Southern battle flag of the new milineum. The one flag our people will stand behind in our quest for ultimate liberty and independence from our occupied state.

  5. The flag has been seen as far north as Washington DC, as far west as Arkansas, and all over the South. It shall continue to be seen until our task is accomplished.

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