Southern flood relief

\"APTOPIXThe recent heavy flooding in Louisiana and parts of Mississippi have affected tens of thousands of our fellow Southerners. And because we look after our own, and ask no help from the US government, The League of the South is committed to raising as much financial support as we can to help the flood victims cope with this disaster. In some ways it is worse than Katrina in 2005.

One of our Staff members lives in Baton Rouge and has been instrumental in arranging and helping with the rescue and relief efforts there. He will act as the contact person for distributing the funds we raise. Our first priority will be helping our own people, including League members and Southern nationalist supporters in the flooded areas.

You can contribute to our Southern Flood Relief Fund by using the Support the Cause! function on this website (it takes PayPal and CCs). You can also contribute online via PayPal and CC at by using this link and choosing the Disaster Relief option:

If you prefer, you can send a check or money order to our office at:

League of the South, PO Box 760, Killen, Alabama 35645

Please designate all donations for \”Flood Relief.\”

I thank y\’all in advance for your kindness and support for our Southern brothers and sisters.

Michael Hill


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