The League\’s mission is to procure the survival, well-being, and independence of the Southern people. Most people tend to focus on the latter condition as if it were an end in itself. But in reality, independence–and the fight it will take to get there–is useful only to serve the first two mission items: the survival and well-being of our people.
As Southern nationalists, we must never lose sight of the fact that the survival and well-being of our people must be the ultima ratio of all we do in a temporal sense. We dare not wait until after independence to tend to them. Yes, independence for the South will allow us to insure with some degree of certainty (God willing, of course) that our people are secure and prosperous. But before independence we must first take steps to assure that we have a self-aware people (nation) for which–and with which–to strive, and that they have the basic necessities to work effectively for our separation from the American Empire.
Our task for the present remains to strengthen and fashion the \”raw materials\” in the South for the day of our eventual freedom. Much work will be required as this process unfolds. Are you ready to work hard in 2017 to accomplish our mission? Are you willing to work to persuade your family, friends, and neighbors of the positive vision of a free South? If you are, we will be able to draw closer to victory this coming year.
Michael Hill