League of the South in Pikeville, Kentucky

\"LSThis group at right, plus a few other LS members and a few volunteers from the local Pikeville area–about 30 in all–stood down some 200 Antifa at a distance of a mere ten yards for nearly two hours. We were the advance guard whose job was to hold the line until the main force arrived. Our operation was led by Kentucky LS Chairman Spencer Borum and Kentucky Southern Defense Force (SDF) Commander Ike Baker.

All the while, the cowardly Antifa had every chance to cross the barricades with a huge numerical advantage and actually do to us what they stood there threatening to do–destroy us. There was no way the cops could have prevented a sizable number of them from reaching us and closing quarters.

But the Antifa–unmasked and un-hoodied–stood there, casting at us nothing more than juvenile curses and vulgar gestures. What cowards!

I am proud of our group of indomitable LS members who stood alone on the front lines in Pikeville until reinforcements arrived.  We were first to arrive and last to leave. Hail to you and hail victory! With the blessing of the Lord of hosts, we shall prevail over these godless destroyers of civilization.

Michael Hill

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