As The League steps up its public activism in defense of our Southern culture and civilization, it becomes clear that we will need a financial war chest out of which we can fund this activism. For instance, on 7 May at Lee Circle in New Orleans, one of our Southern Defense Force (SDF) members was arrested for defending our banners against an agitator (whom he knocked to the ground with a wicked right hook!). He went to jail and had to be bailed out. Moreover, many of our younger SDF members needed some help with gas, food, and lodging for the trip.
As things get hotter on the activism front–and they surely will–we will have need for much more financial wherewithal to provide for our SDF activities, and that includes bail and fine money as well as money for legal representation.
We in the League and the SDF take seriously our responsibilities to defend our people and civilization. We are willing to stand on the front lines like we did recently in Pikeville, Kentucky, New Orleans, Charlottesville, Virgina, Marietta, Georgia, and other locales across Dixie. But to stand effectively, we need your help!
We are establishing a standing League of the South Defense Fund to support our activism. Since we at present have no big corporate or foundation donors, we must depend on the goodwill and support of individuals like you. Please be generous, as many of you already have been over the years. We cannot succeed without your help, it\’s as simple as that.
If you are interested in making a contribution, please contact me via e-mail at <> and I will provide details on how to best make a donation online. If you prefer to donate via check or money order, make payable to The League of the South and mail to: LS, PO Box 760, Killen, Alabama 35645. Please note that your donation is for the LS Defense Fund.
May God bless you, and may He save our glorious Southland! Deo vindice!
Michael Hill, President