In the spring of 2017, The League became a partner organization in The Nationalist Front. This was a loose, unofficial alliance between us, The Traditional Workers Party (TWP), the National Socialist Movement (NSM), and Vanguard America.
As of today, The League will no longer be a part of The Nationalist Front. Nor will we be allying ourselves at present, even informally, with any other organization(s). Over the past year and a half, our operational planning and execution have been nothing less than superb. As examples of our success, I point to Charlottesville, Pikeville, New Orleans, Shelbyville, Knoxville, and Tallahassee.
We believe we have nothing to gain from continuing in The Nationalist Front or any other alliance at the present time. We are, after all, the largest and best organized nationalist organization. We will be doing things our own way, on our own time table, and with our own men and women (plus some specially invited guests from time to time).
We will be making an official announcement soon regarding League membership and concurrent membership in other similar organizations.
Michael Hill