League of the South hurricane relief effort

\"LSLS Directive 13102018

NOTE: We now have access to a PayPal account. If you\’d like to donate, contact Michael Hill at <jmichhill@cs.com> for details.

The League has officially postponed its operation scheduled for 27 October in Georgia. We think it is a moral imperative that we focus our time, energy, and resources on hurricane relief in the Florida Panhandle and southern Georgia, the areas hardest hit by the storm.

Our immediate concern is the well-being of our League of the South members in the Bay Co. (Fla.) chapter, some of whom we still haven\’t been able to contact. Communications in the general area are very spotty. We have a team going into the area this weekend to provide some initial relief and to recon for further efforts we plan to undertake over the coming weeks.

Of course our primary short-term concerns are our own LS members in the affected areas. However, in the longer term we will be selecting a predominantly White small town in the Panhandle, with agreement from the Florida LS State Chairman, in order to help restore things to normal and to help rebuild. Once we choose the town, we will make operational information known to our members through our normal secure channels.

All LS personnel participating in the on-ground operations in the disaster area are to be in our regulation street uniforms and are to act in a courteous and professional manner, just as you would on any LS operation.

In the meantime, we need to be busy raising funds for this effort. Some of our members will be establishing online payment accounts (since The League itself has been banned from doing so), which we will announce. Otherwise, you can send cash, checks, or money orders, designated \”disaster relief,\” to the national office at PO Box 760, Killen, AL 35645.

Let us show our people that we are indeed their humble servants for the survival, well-being, and independence of the traditional South.–Michael Hill

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