League of the South demonstrations in Gainesville and Alachua, Florida

\"GainesvilleHeading into 2015, the League of the South plans to continue our street activism and build upon the network we have created over the past two years.

This weekend we held two anti-immigration demonstrations in Gainesville and Alachua, FL. The immediate cause of this protest was the “5th Conference on Immigration to the US South” which was sponsored by the UF Center for Latin American Studies and the Program for Immigration, Religion and Social Change. Titled “Immigration Reform and Beyond?,” the sinister sounding conference, which was held at the University of Florida in October, focused on the short-term and long-term challenges to immigrants of demographic displacement in the American South.

The Florida League received a series of alarming reports from a mainstream anti-immigration activist who attended this conference. Apparently, the racial, cultural, and ethnic dimension of immigration-driven demographic displacement – the plan to demographically bury White Southerners underneath a tsunami of Third World immigration, and install over our beleaguered descendants a hierarchy of government dependent Hispanic overlords – was discussed quite openly. There was an unmistakable atmosphere of racial and cultural animus at the conference and since this was clearly our territory a response was warranted.

About 30 League activists participated in the protests in Gainesville, which was just down the street from the University of Florida, and in the county seat in Alachua later in the afternoon. The goal of the protests was to raise awareness about the radical agenda of the UF Center for Latin American Studies in the Gainesville area. We also distributed some fliers around Gainesville and the University of Florida campus.

While traveling to Gainesville, I found myself wondering if we would be encountering any organized opposition to our message. With over 41,000 students, the University of Florida is one of the largest college campuses in the American South. In fact, it is the eighth largest university in the entire United States. Gainesville is a college town in the Southern state most overrun by non-Southern transplants. Surely, if we were going to face an angry mob of campus “anti-fa” screaming about their white privilege anywhere in the South, the University of Florida would seem to be most logical place.

Instead, the Gainesville protest played out along the same lines as the previous one last year in Tallahassee, which is the home of Florida State University, and where the League even went through the trouble of erecting a large SECEDE billboard and contacting every sociologist at FSU in the hope arousing the opposition. The Gainesville protest was another unremarkable demonstration in the mold of most of the previous ones we have done: lots of positive responses, some negative ones, with noticeably more positive responses in the smaller town with fewer leftists, Alachua.

Over the past two years, the League has held anti-immigration demonstrations in Tallahassee, Ocala, Orlando, Tampa, Gainesville and Alachua, and Apopka. Never once have we encountered any violent “anti-fa” opposition in Florida. As with many things, we have found that the fear of “anti-fa” street thugs or blog posts by the opposition far exceeds the power of either to have any real impact on our organizing efforts. Even when billboards have been taken down or hotel reservations have been cancelled, these great victories of the opposition proved to be minor annoyances.

Two years later, the now familiar cast of characters – fear, apathy, conformity, negativity, extreme individualism, and disorganization – remain the real roadblocks holding us back. This is a problem that seems endemic to liberal democracies in an advanced state of cultural decline, but particularly so in the United States. In Europe, our counterparts overseas are making great strides forward in a much harsher legal and cultural climate.

That’s unlikely to change here until Americans overcome their fear of being publicly identified with their beliefs.



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