Forrest billboard in Selma, Alabama, greets civil rights marchers

\"SelmaThe weekend of 7-8 March 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of what the US \”civil rights\” establishment calls \”Bloody Sunday.\” In 1965, marchers–local and regional negro leaders and outsider leftists of all stripes (Jew and Gentile alike)–descended on the quiet and quaint central Alabama river town of Selma to begin a 50-mile \”voting rights\” march to the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery. The first march plummeted like a lead balloon, as local and State law enforcement officials turned back the marches before they could cross the now-famous (0r infamous) Edmund Pettus Bridge. After the national news media showed the encounter between the marchers and Alabama officers, public pressure from outside the South got the feds involved and the march finally took place. The great untold story by the anti-South media was the orgy of sex, alcohol, and drugs that took place between Selma and Montgomery in the spring of 1965. But to deal honestly with these event and personalities would not have advanced the agenda of the evil South and the righteous left.

The rest, as they say, is history. Today Selma has lost fully one-third of its population of 30,000 in 1965, along with most of its tax base. Far from being a prosperous Southern river town, Selma sometimes, at least according to some of the residents, cannot even collect the garbage on a regular basis. The town is an economic and social basket case, dependent on federal largesse to function. It is but a few short steps from Third World status.

But amidst the celebration and calls for a never-ending \”civil rights revolution,\” somebody decided to spit in the proverbial water bucket. Our friend and fellow League of the South member, Patricia Godwin (several reports called her \”Goodwin\” as well as the Wizardress of the Saddle) and her Friends of Forrest organization put up a billboard with the dashing Wizard of the Saddle staring down disapprovingly on the perturbed revelers. Underneath the general was the famous line: \”Keep the skeer on \’em!\” Several media members, having little knowledge of Forrest outside of his wildly exaggerated KKK involvement and the accusations of the Ft. Pillow massacre, breathlessly proclaimed that Miss Pat and her henchmen were making \”terrorist threats\” toward Barry Obama (who blew into town Saturday for a quick speech and photo op) and the old scions of the movement. You see, \”skeer\” is the redneck word for \”scare,\” and \”\’em\” surely had to mean anyone who stood for negro rights in 2015. So \”Keep the skeer on \’em\” had nothing to do with something Forrest might have been famous for uttering in 1863 when fighting the accursed yankees, but constituted a thinly-disguised redneck terrorist threat against Obama, Rose and Hank Sanders, John Lewis, and other \”civil rights\” royalty. This is what passes for news coverage in many haunts of the Fourth Estate in our time.

Well, we in The League of the South salute Miss Patricia and General Forrest. It is nice to have a bit of civilization on what us rednecks sometimes refer to as Little Harare on the Alabammy! Keep the skeer on \’em indeed!

Michael Hill

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