A little change of pace . . .
(Published in European Warfare, 1453-1815, edited by Jeremy Black, London 1999) GAELIC WARFARE, 1453-1815 J. MICHAEL HILL I Scottish and Irish warfare from the mid-fifteenth to the early eighteenth century […]
(Published in European Warfare, 1453-1815, edited by Jeremy Black, London 1999) GAELIC WARFARE, 1453-1815 J. MICHAEL HILL I Scottish and Irish warfare from the mid-fifteenth to the early eighteenth century […]
THE DEMONIZATION OF THE SOUTH (2008) Michael Hill Demonization as a political and social stratagem knows no temporal or geographical bounds; it is a ploy as old as civilization itself.
ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN . . . (2014) Congratulations, Leftists, you have won. You have taken over the West and now your worldview is triumphant. Europe, America, and the
DECONSTRUCTING MISS DIXIE (This article was published in the September 2008 issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture) College football season has begun again in the South. Here in
The _____________ League of the South encourages legislators in the State of _____________ to read, study, and sponsor the following \”State Sovereignty and Federal Tax Escrow Account\” bill. It is
State Sovereignty and Federal Tax Escrow Account Read More »