God bless the 4th of July?
Cook outs, fireworks, and Lee Greenwood on the airwaves (or perhaps Toby Keith) will characterize how most Americans–including Southerners, sadly–will celebrate the 4th of July or Independence Day. \”God bless […]
Cook outs, fireworks, and Lee Greenwood on the airwaves (or perhaps Toby Keith) will characterize how most Americans–including Southerners, sadly–will celebrate the 4th of July or Independence Day. \”God bless […]
Today, President Barack Hussein Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a veteran federal appeals court judge, for the vacancy on the US Supreme Court left open by the recent death of Associate
Those who have supported the half century of revolution that has virtually destroyed the foundations of the West are the avowed enemies of those of us who wish to preserve
If the Constitution could have helped us stop tyranny and preserve our liberties, it would have done so already. The fact that it couldn\’t–and can\’t–is why men like Patrick Henry
The crimes of one “Dr.” Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood are now going viral. What did this woman do? For those who haven’t heard, she was caught on tape trying