Most Southerners by now have seen the constant media coverage of the “Syrian Refugee Crisis,” where tidal waves of undocumented, Muslim immigrants have waltzed through the very heartland of white, Christian Europe. The liberal media have aided these people at every turn, making claims that these are just innocent refugees, trying to get clear of the fighting.
Yet, there remain several curious facts about these “refugees”:
First: 75% of them are young men, in their 20s and 30s, with very few women and children to speak of. Odd, right? You’d think if these were heads of households fleeing a scene of destruction, that they’d take their families with them. Yet most don’t have families with them.
Second: they don’t simply walk next door, across the Turkish border where there is no fighting, and hunker down. No, they walk all the way across Turkey and Anatolia, until they cross Europe’s Southern borders.
Once they cross those borders, do they stop there, where there’s also zero fighting, like real refugees would? No sir!
Even though by that time, they’ve been free of fighting for thousands of miles, they trek further, all the way up to Germany, the UK, or even Sweden.
Puzzling, right? Well, not if you happen to know the true explanation as to why hundreds of thousands of third world Muslims are trekking to just those three countries … Free Goodies
The real reason that this Islamic army is descending upon the hapless, white populaces of Christian Europe is quite simple. Merkel’s government in Berlin has offered very lucrative, financial benefits to any third-worlder who bothers to cross their border! Does that sound familiar? It should! For that’s precisely what Washington, DC, in all its corruption, is offering to hordes of Latinos. Simply cross the South’s border and voila: free healthcare, tuition, social security, voting status, drivers’ licenses, and other enormously lucrative benefits to each and every one … all at YOUR expense!
The hard truth is that both of these scenes, in Europe, and here in the South, on many occasions aren’t cases of “refugees” seeking shelter, or immigrants looking for an honest life. No, these are armies of invaders, because, make no mistake, these are invasions, plain and simple.
The radical, leftist governments of Western Europe and Washington DC are both acting against their own white populations, to ethnically replace them with third world populations willing to work for next to nothing. These governments care neither about their oaths of office nor the safety and well-being of their people.
They care only about bending over backwards to give away Western, Christian civilization to those who had nothing to do with building it!
The most disturbing aspect is that other than a few heroic political leaders, few others (with power) have the will to do what must be done to stop it.
Wait though! If you were thinking, “Well, at least we’re not getting flooded with Muslims like poor Europe is. It’s a good thing that wouldn’t happen here in Dixie…,” then I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you, friend.
DC Sends Muslim Invaders to Our Shores
President Obama is not content to merely destroy half the Middle East with pointless wars paid for with borrowed Chinese money—no. He’s now hell-bent on shipping hundreds of thousands of Syrian Muslims into the very heart of Dixie.
It’s true; the plans have already been revealed to bring thousands into the upstate region of South Carolina. Others are planned to be shipped into various parts of Tennessee and elsewhere.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you think that bringing in several hundred thousand new human souls into our Southland is a good idea, when we don’t even have enough jobs for our own people?
Do you think that bringing in several hundred thousand Muslims into our Bible Belt is a good idea?
Can’t you just picture it: minarets, instead of steeples, springing up in the deep South, as you and your loved ones awaken to hear a Muslim call to prayer from the local mosque … just down the street from you?
Does this sound like a great future?
The Federal Government says it is, and they say you’re gonna like it, that you have no other choice.
Upon this point though, the League of the South disagrees with Washington in spades, and we’ve been doing something about it.
The League is Fighting Back
Several years ago, when treacherous corporations (and sadly, some liberal churches) conspired to bring Muslims to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, the League of the South stood alone, fighting back and condemning this unspeakable attack on the Christian, white South.
There were so many third world Islamic peoples brought into the quaint, picturesque town of Murfreesboro, that they even built a large mosque in the city.
We were not amused.
We organized a rally and called out the traitorous politicians who supported the ethnic replacement of their own Christian, Southern populace with third world, Islamic workers. We held up signs that said, “No Jihad in Tennessee,” because we knew the truth: sooner or later, when enough Muslims are allowed into a community, a radical, violent element will follow it. Always.
Sadly, we were vindicated in July 2015, when Mohammad Abdulazeez went on a shooting rampage, killing five servicemen in Chattanooga, Tennessee. While this killing shocked many in Tennessee, it did not shock us. How many more Southerners will have to die before we take back our Southern lands from those who insist upon replacing us?
Here’s the Truth:
The Federal Government calls Islam a “religion of peace;” the League of the South calls it a hateful, dangerous abomination that belongs nowhere in our Southland!
The Federal Government calls their act of bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims “an act of love.” The League of the South calls it an act of war on our Christian people!
The Federal Government says that Muslims will “culturally enrich” the South. The League of the South has seen about as much “cultural enrichment” that Muslims have forced upon other nations as we can stand!
We at the League of the South call upon Southerners to admit some very uncomfortable truths:
The truth is that this is no longer “the land of the free,” and Southerners won’t be free while under Washington DC’s occupation.
The truth is that DC is forcing the South (against its will) to take in these third world Islamic elements and at our people’s expense.
The truth is that Dixie’s sons and daughters have loved a country (the US), that has not and does not love them back.
The truth is that white Southerners are being ethnically replaced by millions of second and third world immigrants, who are driving down our wages, taking our jobs, and even committing violent acts against our own people. Enough is enough!
We declare that the South has already been overrun by too many foreign invaders as it is, and we don’t want or need any more of them!
We declare that if the South was a free and independent country, we could control and secure our own borders, here and now!
We declare that the South is our homeland, and no one else’s, because our people landed here and built this civilization from nothing.
We declare that since we built it, we should take true ownership of it by deciding who comes here and who doesn’t. Sounds great, right?
The problem is that as long as we remain shackled to a liberal, progressive country, headquartered by radicals in Washington, DC, we will never be allowed to decide our own immigration, border, or citizenship policies.
Washington will decide all those things for us, and you can bet your last dollar that they’ll continue to force these alien invaders upon us until you and your loved ones have been made minorities in the lands your fathers built. Does that sound like “freedom” to you? It sure doesn’t to us, either!
The only way to stop DC from replacing us in our own lands is to secede from this oppressive, liberal construct and assert our independence as a sovereign, Southern country in the 21st century.
It can be done, and unless you want to see minarets adorned with crescent moons in your town … it must be done. Our Southern children and grandchildren have no future if they remain shackled to the United States.
We are making our voices heard and reminding our people that they are not alone. We are here fighting for them and their futures, but we need your help!
The Southern people would be much freer, safer, and happier in a country of our own. This is our dream, and we are fighting every day to make it a reality.
Do you share this dream with us? If so, then will you fight for it with us? Join us today! We’re the folks you’ve been looking for!