Welcome to The Southern Nationalist League’s (TSNL) website.
Founded in October 2024, TSNL is the heir to the Southern nationalist movement started in 1994 by LOTS. Though a new organization, TSNL will continue on the path of the LOTS by advocating for a free and independent South. Implicit in this goal is our intention to fight, on a daily basis, for the well-being and survival of the Southern people by all honorable means. The South is our home and we mean to have it and rule it for ourselves and our posterity as our ancestors intended.
Who are the Southern people?
We are the blood descendants of those brave and resolute men and women who founded and settled the southern areas of the North American continent in the 17th and 18th centuries. In other words, we are Whites of European descent. And we do not intend to give up the material and spiritual blessings bequeathed to us by our noble ancestors.
Since the end of World War Two, especially, the South and its people and culture have come under assault by forces seeking to destroy all vestiges of their blood and soil nationalism and traditional Christian heritage.
One of our goals is to counter the narrative of lies and half-truths that our enemies have used to undermine our institutions, our history, and our land itself. As Southerners, we must once again learn who we are before we can muster the wherewithal to successfully defend our patrimony. We in TSNL are dedicated to speaking hard and often uncomfortable truths to our people, confident that we will counter and destroy the lies they have believed for the last century.

We also intend to speak the truth, bluntly and forcefully, to the alien and hostile powers who seek to subjugate and ultimately destroy the South and her sublime culture. We will never hesitate to call a spade by its real name in defense of the truth about our people and our country—Dixie.
We hope you like what you see on this website and will consider becoming a member of The Southern Nationalist League. We look to the past in order to provide for the future. And though we don’t live in the past, the past indeed lives in us. May the God of our fathers vindicate us and give us that for which we strive: a free and independent South, the peaceful home of a prosperous and virtuous people.
- ~ “The mighty man of valor is born for his day.“