From our Archives . . .
KINISM (2001) It is time to discuss the racial issue intelligently. Ignoring it will not make it go away. The place to begin is to refute the false choice that […]
KINISM (2001) It is time to discuss the racial issue intelligently. Ignoring it will not make it go away. The place to begin is to refute the false choice that […]
An amazing white pill has been dropped on the dissident right this week as a new poll shows that secession support in the South has drastically grown in the ashes
(Published in European Warfare, 1453-1815, edited by Jeremy Black, London 1999) GAELIC WARFARE, 1453-1815 J. MICHAEL HILL I Scottish and Irish warfare from the mid-fifteenth to the early eighteenth century
THE DEMONIZATION OF THE SOUTH (2008) Michael Hill Demonization as a political and social stratagem knows no temporal or geographical bounds; it is a ploy as old as civilization itself.
ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN . . . (2014) Congratulations, Leftists, you have won. You have taken over the West and now your worldview is triumphant. Europe, America, and the